Tyler has a double ear infection and a sore throat. If you've been following us on Facebook you already knew this.
What you didn't know was that he woke up at midnight last night crying inconsolably pointing to his mouth and saying, "Owie" and it didn't seem to be a night terror. We thought it could have been but I was able to calm him down twice, once by singing softly and once by just rubbing his back. Both times he calmed and I thought he was sleeping so I stopped only to have him start crying and fussing again. We ended up bringing him into bed with us, watching some British bumblebee show on Disney Jr. (that channel is a life-saver, by the way), and giving him a bottle. It was well after 1 in the morning before the three of us fell back asleep.
He had been poking at his ear all weekend long and I was worried that he might have had an ear infection but he wasn't fussing any more than usual. But last night after his episode he was tugging at his ear in frustration and just his right ear. So I told Ryan I would stay home with him and make an appointment to see the doctor.
We are very happy that we did. Not only was it his right ear, his left ear was filled with pus so he's battling two different types of infections. Dr. Hathaway (super awesome, highly recommended) also noted his "polka-dotted throat," which he said is probably the most painful. But he called Tyler a tough kid, a little trooper for how very little he fussed at the appointment. We are so proud of our little man but so sad that he doesn't feel well.
He started off the day at 9:45am and I was very glad that he caught up on his sleep...and that Mama got some more sleep as well. Whatever bug's been ailing the rest of the Aman family has finally sunk its claws into me and my sinus infection has now turned into a scratchy sore throat. Tyler and I lounged in bed for a bit longer, watching an episode of "Sofia the First" while having some milk. Then we came downstairs and I noticed more ear-tugging and grimacing. He also didn't have much of an appetite, refusing a chocolate chip scone (this baby loves chocolate) and only eating half of his cereal (this baby loves cereal...Correction, this baby loves food). I supplied him with lots of liquids but he took a few sips and would refuse the rest. Changing his diapers and changing his clothes was a battle. But after a few tears shed, I got him dressed for the day, picked up Daddy from work, and we went to the doctor's.
Coming back we had a totally different baby. Suddenly he was ravenous, downing a container of mixed berry yogurt (in which we hid his antibiotics, worked like a charm...tried it later with Tylenol and failed miserably), a full cup of milk, and a Mommy-sized bowl of spaghetti bake. It was actually Mommy's bowl, I gave him a bite to see if he would be interested and he ended up eating the whole thing. And being sick did not slow him down. He was running around like nothing was amiss, we went on a stroller walk with the puppies (he was very attached to Daddy after Daddy came home and he wouldn't let him out of his sight), he "rode" his zebra as fast as he could, and he was all smiles when the grandmas came home.
Per state laws, a child has to be on antibiotics for 24 hours before coming back to daycare so we're keeping him home tomorrow again. This time Ryan's going to stay with him but I might come home early if needed, though hopefully I won't be. I really hope that Tyler's on the mend. Fingers crossed for a more peaceful night.
Tomorrow we'll be starting our stint at Grandpa Bob's house as well and I'm still worried that the change in routine will be difficult for Tyler, especially if he's sick and not feeling well. But there are so many animals in the house that they'll keep him occupied. There are also a ton of books everywhere to keep Mama busy as well, I'm excited! I saw the mounds and mounds of books and thought, Look at all the reading I can do! I may be a bookworm. Just a little bit.
And now that Tyler is asleep (he fell asleep pretty quickly while Daddy held him and we sang one song), I'm going to get our clothes packed for tomorrow. Enjoy this family photo that may not exist quite yet depending on when you read this blog...Ryan's phone is upstairs and that's where the photo is. We are too lazy to go up there at the moment. So if you're reading this sans photo, hold your horses. You should already know what we look like anyway so use your imagination.
Good night all, sweet dreams.