Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Day 42

Hello, rain.  We meet again.

Thank goodness it's raining.  The snow is finally melting and I'm wearing my nice shoes to work again without worry of cold, soggy feet.  Tyler is sad though.  He really wanted to play in it again today but Mommy and Daddy were mean.  Poor baby.

In other Tyler news:

- He discovered an old rocking horse figurine in the master bedroom.  He named it Neigh.  So cute.
- He says "belly button."  It sounds more like "bay-ee button."
- He loves, loves, LOVES spaghetti.  This is known but needs to be reiterated because he LOVES spaghetti.

He also loves to watch movies and eat popcorn.  Just like Daddy.  I took a video of them eating popcorn together.  It made me laugh so much I was having difficulty holding the phone still.  It's just a simple moment of Daddy and Baby, eyes glued to the TV, hands occasionally reaching down to grab a fistful of popcorn to shovel into their mouths.  Yes, I love these boys.

Tyler went to bed fairly early today, we placed him in his crib at 9:15.  We are now watching the Olympics, more specifically the figure skating.  Ryan is bored out of his mind, I'm afraid.  I am mesmerized.  I just watched an amazing short program done by a pair of Russian skaters and they were so confident, so powerful, so fantastic.  They deserved the first place they received.  I can't imagine anyone else dethroning them.

All these skaters are so graceful and beautiful to watch.  I feel clunky.

Good night, peeps.  Enjoy your night.  I'm going to enjoy mine!

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