Thursday, February 13, 2014

Day 44

I.  Am.  So.  Tired.

The three of us fell asleep today watching "Up."  It was a good way to unwind right before bed and I have no idea how long we had been sleeping for.  Ryan and I woke up right before ten and put Tyler in his crib.  We got some cleaning done, I put laundry in the dryer, Ryan made lunches for tomorrow, dogs went outside to go potty, and now I'm blogging.  A surefire sign that it's almost time for bed.  My eyes are drooping as I write this post.  I'm lying in bed and it's taking a lot of willpower to continue typing instead of pushing my laptop aside to curl up into a little ball and just sleep.

Our bear-themed Valentines turned out pretty well.

Tyler's friends received little baggies of Teddy Grahams and Gummy Bears with a tag that said, "Bear hugs for _____ from Tyler."  The teachers received chocolate bars wrapped in paper bags with a heart that says, "A bear hug for Miss _____ from Tyler."  We even got a gluten-free bar and a vegan bar for two of the teachers.  Miss Lisa got a bigger chocolate bear bar and bear-shaped pancake cutter.  Pinterest for the win!

It was a pretty ambitious project.  I am so lucky Ryan helped me out, otherwise I wouldn't have gone to bed when I did last night.  I have the best husband.

And I truly mean that.  I've been talking to a coworker/friend lately about her difficult situation and it made me that much more grateful for what I have.  We might not have a ton of money, we don't own our own house, our job titles may leave much to be desired (especially for me), but we are so full of love and humor and happiness.  My family makes me happy everyday.  I want that for my friend.  I want that for everybody!

On a separate note, Ryan and I would like you all to check out Bad Lip Reading.  It'll be the most fun you've had all day.  We promise.

Now here's the photo of the day!

Good night everyone.  It's way past my bedtime.

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