Monday, March 10, 2014

Day 56/57

This was our last day in Florida.  Poor Daddy woke up early to take Uncle Linh to the airport since we were departing at different times.  He came back, tried to catch a couple more hours of sleep, and then we were up and out of the unit before check-out at 10.

We decided to spend the rest of our time in Florida at Disney Village.  We ate at a bowling alley (I had sushi that was actually really good), bought some souvenirs, had some chocolate samples from Ghirardelli, and chased some ducks around.  We visited the toy shops, viewed the Lego structures they had outside of the Lego Store, and then Mommy and Baby had one last ride on a choo-choo train!!!

I also took a series of photos that have become my recent faves:

I love these two men.  Have I said that yet?

Ryan and I were very nervous about the plane ride back.  We had a 6 hour flight to Los Angeles and for the most part it went well.  We sat next to a very talkative woman who was also super nice.  While I was trying to nap she lifted up my head and stuck a travel pillow underneath me.  She offered us chewing gum.  She picked up Tyler's toys and binkie each time he threw them.  We are so thankful that we had such a nice passenger sit next to us.  Tyler managed to fall asleep towards the end of the flight but when we landed we had to do a hand off from Daddy to Mommy and Tyler woke up screaming.  He wanted Daddy to hold him, he couldn't get comfortable, and we had rudely woken him up.  And to think we were only in LA.

We didn't get to Portland until 10:30pm.  And guess what didn't make it with us...our car seat.  It took another hour to get things sorted out.  Apparently we were told that things like this notoriously happened very often at LAX, and usually with United.  They were super nice and loaned us one of their car seats so we were able to bring the baby home.  We left PDX at 11:30, got to Tigard at 12, and finally went to bed around 1am.  We were then up at 6:20am and left the house around 7:10am.  Ryan and were incredibly sleep deprived.

But in happier news, on Saturday I received a text that informed me our lead had gotten promoted and her position was available.  I texted back, "Don't hire anyone until I get back!!!"  Unfortunately, our resort didn't have wi-fi so I was hoping to apply when I got back.  On Monday I got another text that said interviews were being done on Wednesday and if I hadn't yet applied I needed to.  So I applied on my phone.

Wednesday morning completely sleep deprived, jet lagged, and with vomit on me (Tyler decided to gag himself and threw up all over himself so we ended up pulling over in Albany to clean him up as we were driving down that morning), I had my interview...And got the job!!!  Best welcome home ever.

Day 56

Day 57

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