Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 11

We just got back from an impromptu date night.  We had dinner at Aomatsu (chicken katsu, bibimbap, spicy salmon rolls, and the fastest service we've had in a long time--A+!) and then saw the second Hobbit movie in theaters to keep with the LOTR theme we've had all day.

Danny's birthday party was super fun.  We showed up around eleven, munched on mushroom frittata, banana bread, scones, and cinnamon rolls.  We watched the last part of "Fellowship of the Rings," caught bits and pieces of "The Two Towers," and started watching "Return of the King."  I failed at Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit and showed how Tolkien-ignorant I really am.  And then Joanna made a delicious potato soup and a platter of cheese, salami meats, crackers, and fruits were shared.  Tyler enjoyed playing with his BFF Declan and new friend Joleigh and the big people enjoyed hanging out with their friends!

Ryan and I also made it to the AAA informational meeting about all things Disney.  Basically, if we book our Disney trip through them we would get a bunch of perks including early entry, meet and greets with the characters, and gift cards.  But we have to do it in the next three days to get our gift cards.  Of course.  Currently we are planning two Disney trips, one in February to Disney World and then one in July to Disneyland.  But our plans aren't concrete, we don't know how many days we'll be spending at the parks and who will be joining us so we don't want to make any finalized plans yet.  Bye bye gift cards...

Before our busy day, I convinced Ryan to take our daily family photo.  He thought we'd be able to do it later after the party.  It's a good thing he listened to me because we didn't make it home until after 10 and Tyler was already in bed.  We would have had to do another crib shot and that was actually really difficult.  So here's our family photo!

We have such a silly but very smart baby.  I might be one of those moms who think their child is brilliant...but Tyler really is so smart!!!  I know he's a tall baby but he's still only 18 months old and 18 month old children usually don't know how to wink or jump with both feet off the ground.  So I'm going to say it, my baby is smart.

When we still lived in Tigard and Tyler attended the local KinderCare, they did a unit on emotions.  The children would stand in front of a mirror and practice making faces.  They would express sadness, happiness, anger, confusion, etc.  I didn't think he would remember it but a couple of weeks ago I said, "Tyler, how do we look happy?" and he gave me a big smile, eyes crinkled, dimples showing.

"How do we look sad?"

Smile disappeared, shoulders drooped, head dropped to one side, eyes lowered.

"How do we look mad?"

Teeth bared, fists raised.

"How do we look scared?"

Arms up, eyes wide, mouth in a grimace.

"How do we look confused?"

Blink.  Blink.

He honestly didn't know that last one.  I raised my arms and shrugged my shoulders, my head cocked to one side, raised my eyebrows and said, "Huh?"  He copied me.

Every now and then I quiz him to see if he remembers it all.  "Scared" is his favorite expression and lately he's been using that "look" for everything, even happy!  He still doesn't remember "confused" though now that I think about it, perhaps he does understand it and is mimicking it so well that he's got his mama fooled...Genius, I tell you, that baby is a genius.

Anyways, the whole point of this anecdote was to explain the following pictures.  To get Tyler to smile for our family photos I asked him to show me happy.  And then we ran through the rest of the expressions and got these priceless little nuggets.  Enjoy the outtakes:


Apparently when you're sad you stick your tongue out.  So says Tyler.

"Good night everybody, big and small.
Sweet bunny dreams to one and all.
Good night, good night, sleep tight."
-The Bunnies are Not in Their Beds

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