Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 16

Ryan posting today. Tammy is in the middle of filling out the appointment book for PTP so she was unavailable to write the post tonight.

Today I helped a woman at the post office directions to FedEx, it was a little awkward because it was in front of the post office worker, oh well.

Tyler had a great day today at school but apparently he only took a 45 minute nap but was happy the rest of the day. He did pass out on the way home but woke up in time for dinner and to see the Grandmas. We then watched "Cowboys and Angels" which is about a girl's quest to find her cowboy father. The only memorable part was when one of the characters called out "Dad" which spurred Tyler to start saying "Dad, Dad!"

Tyler's favorite book at this time is Wall-e. Whenever we ask him if he wants to read the story he eagerly nods his head and says "wall-ley"

We got a couple good picture today. The best ones of course were blurry. He decided to throw both his hands up in the air, which we did sort of get. That's it for tonight! 

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