I know I've said this before but I have to say it again. It is so much fun watching Tyler learn new things. One of his favorite books is Wall-E and we've read it every night for the last few nights. Last night when we pulled it off the shelf Tyler said, "Wall-E!" He did it again tonight. And he's been reading along with us. There's a part in the book where Wall-E plays with a fire extinguisher and the words "Whooosh!" are printed in the foam (is that the right term?) and Tyler will point to it and say, "Whoosh!" We also read The Bunnies are Not in Their Beds every night and his favorite part is the big bunny band:
He now says, "Boom, boom, boom!" when we get to that page and he also points to the bunnies with their respective instruments and say, "Boom, boom, boom! Honk, honk! Cash, cashhhh!"
I love it! I love to read and I've only recently rediscovered that love. I didn't read for fun in college and when Ryan bought us some e-readers I've been searching for new books to fall in love with ever since. I really want to impart that love onto Tyler, have him enjoy reading as much as I do, and so far I think he does. He has a handful of favorite books and he never tires of reading them over and over again.
Our new bedtime routine is to say goodnight to everybody (grandmas and puppies alike), change our diaper, change into jammies, take a family photo--
--read some stories, sing a lullaby, and then go to bed. Tonight was a little more difficult because Tyler wanted to sleep in the big bed. He kept signing "sleep" and pointing towards the door.
"Do you want to sleep in the big bed?"
Nods yes.
But Ryan is afraid that if we allow him to sleep in the big bed with us he'll want to do it more often so we stood our ground. No big bed. Tyler was not very happy and I ended up putting him in the crib. He kicked and cried for a bit and we started singing "Baby Beluga." He calmed down and I ended up singing the song twice while Ryan rubbed his head and then Tyler re-positioned himself and curled up with Wolfie on his pillow. We might add this to our routine. Sometimes he gets really upset when we leave him, even if he's super tired. This will be a good way to keep him in his crib and still show him that Mommy and Daddy are still there for him, that we love him, and that we wouldn't abandon him. I know a lot of other parents are strong proponents of the Ferber method but I just don't think I can do it. So far we haven't had much trouble with him so we're just going to continue doing what's right for us and our family.
Now that he's in bed, Ryan is finishing "Battleship" (it's pretty cheesy so far) and I'm going to play Puzzles and Dragons instead. I am so addicted. I blame Danny.
Good night everybody, see you all tomorrow!
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